Notre Dame School Tarkhad

History Of School

A Brief History Of NDS

September 30th 2003 will remain a red letter day in the history of the diocese of Vasai. Maharashtra. Rev. Dr. Bishop Thomas Dabre the Bishop of Vasai officially welcomed sr. Anima. Provincial Superior (1999 -2004) to being our mission and ministry at St. Thomas Parish, Sandor, Vasai.

On surveying and analyzing the wants and needs of the parishioners. After a year under the pioneer ship of Sr. Sneha, Sr. Anisha and Sr. Namrata. Notre Dame School began its humble beginnings in two classrooms at St. Thomas High School. Devataol on 14th June 2004.Sr. Mary Sneha the first principal of the school (2004-2005), along with the two supportive sisters and two lay staff members opened wide the doors of classrooms to 83 young children who enrolled that year. The classrooms were well prepared and equipped with attractive Montessori materials. The busy Hum of activities, creative teaching and friendly learning environment did not take long to attract more admissions every academic year. The remarkable increase in the student strength necessitated a second shift of the school premises to St. Thomas Primary School in 2007. During Sr. Vidhya's term as a principal (2005-2007), the students not only excelled in academics but also in co-curricular activities.

After four years of arduous, regular and persistent knocking on the doors of land owners by sisters Sneha and Jaya and the property committee members, Notre Dame acquired land. In a simple, yet official ceremony on 13th January 2008, Rev. Dr. Bishop Dabre, Sisters Jayanti, Jaya, Sneha and Julie laid the foundation stone of Notre Dame School, Vasai.

Almost two years later on December 20th 2009 Notre Dame finally had her own premisesto move into. Along with her 630 students, parents, sisters, fathers and well- wishers, the Corner Stone was blessed by Rev. Arch Bishop Felix Machado, Bishop of Vasai and Rev. Bishop Thomas Dabre, Bishop of Poona. This was followed by a well-attended Holy Mass on the school ground. A sumptuous dinner was served to all the invitees. For the third and final time the school joyously made the transition to the newly constructed school building to the location it occupies today.

The school had continued to grow from strength to strength under the leadership of Sr. Julie (2007-2012). Parents have whole heartedly appreciated the efficient and qualified management and staffs under whose guidance students have shown significant progress both in scholastic and co-scholastic areas. The annual sports days, parents' days, intra and interschool competitions, excursions, outreach programmes etc. have enhanced students, social and interpersonal skills

The torch was handed over to Sr. Chetana, who bequeath the Notre Dame Educational Principles and emphasizes on the all-round development of the students. Notre Dame School aimed and aspired to produce students who will be agents of change in the society through their deep faith in God, unselfish leadership and academic values.

Sr. Shylaja the new principal has taken over the legacy of the former principals with zeal and enthusiasm and is taking the school to new heights. Her vision, wisdom, and passion for this school is apparent in every aspect of the school growing in widths and bounds.




Certified Teachers

Student Campuses
